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How To Write A Notice Easily? Smart Notice Writing Tips

How To Write A Notice Easily

how to write a notice easily

How to write a notice in the exams with all smartness is pleasant you may think there are lots of grammar books where notice writing is extensively discussed yes it is true but mine is different it will give you a ready-made notice but it will show you how you can make it ready smartly. This blog will make you smart in notice writing even if you are weak in English it will make you smarter if you know English slightly better and it will make you the smartest person in this subject if you are strong in English language. Now go through the points see the instructions on notice writing. 

Your school is going to host an inter-school drama competition suppose you are the cultural secretary of the school. Write a notice within 100 words calling students to participate in the competition. Mention the time date and venue of this competition. Your notice should be counter-signed by the head mistress or headmaster of your school.

Copy this instruction in your copy book.   

Now the question is how you will write the notice how will you start working on it. Start it abruptly without anything getting confused getting nervous thinking you can't do it, no you can. See how beautifully and smartly you can write this notice and to do the work you have to make a good plan for it.

First collect the points or ingredients you get from the instruction and to do so read the instruction one more time your school is going to host an inter school drama competition inter school drama competition this is the name of the event suppose you are the cultural secretary of the school so write the notice as the cultural secretary of the school calling the students to participate in the competition for whom you are writing the notice mention the time, date and venue  of the competition and your notice should be counter signed by the head mistress or headmaster of your school and from the instruction you will get the name of the event, the name of the venue or place the same thing the date and time of the event and for whom it is to be written or it is written these four points you will get from your instruction.

But you have to get six points at least so you have got four points but you have to get at least six points to get full marks first see the max distribution scheme of it in the examination see marking scheme total marks for notice is 10. For the form of the notice two marks are given and for the content six marks are given and for register two marks are given register means style and organization total two plus six plus two total ten marks okay and for the content you have got four points from the instruction the first point name of the event  one mark and the second point name of the venue one mark and the third point date and time one mark and for whom it is written one mark that means one plus one plus one plus one you got four marks and for the remaining two marks you have to add whom to contact for one mark and the last one slight introduction or conclusion for the last one mark so 1 plus 1 plus 1 plus 1   plus 1 plus 1 total 6 marks so if you get this way one two three or four points from the instruction. So I'll tell you if it is possible for you take another or make another to more or additional points like this remember the names of these points name of the event name of the venue, date and time for whom it is written whom to contact slight introduction or conclusion. Try to follow this format in every notice writing then the work will be easier for you now your work is half done.

Now pick up the points one by one and write at least one sentence for every point okay now see the form passed ultra institution this is the name of the school and this is the format of the pad on which the notice is generally written so this is the name of the school ultra institution then write notice this way notice then the date this is the format then one heading enter school drama competition heading of the notice then this place is the place for content and register after the content and register is associated with content because register means style and organization so this is the place for content when the content is finished sign it as the cultural secretary escape battle cultural secretary and get it counter signed by the headmaster like this here he will sign so this is the format and for this you have learnt two marks are given two marks for this format this is the format but one important thing you must remember in this context for this format you won't get any marks if nothing is written at this place as the part of content you must write something related here at this place unless something is here related on the right subject.

Even if the form is right you will get 0 no max will be awarded no max will be given for the format when the content is nil remember this when the content is nil no marks are given for the correctness of the form or format of the notice remember this now we'll write the content see ultra ed institution right notice this way and this is the  date and this is the heading you have seen inter school drama competition now this is the first point and we'll write this sentence for the first point what is the first point name of the event see we have got it from the instruction our school is going to host an inter school drama competition this year this is only your own addition so from the instruction you have got our school is going to host an inter-school drama competition this year so this is what is written on the first point, now write something on the second point second point is what name of the venue it will be held in the auditorium of the school and the third point is date and time it will start at 11:30 am on 30.12.20. 

So you have written three sentences on three separate points but remember this never mix up and merge all these three points here in one sentence three separate marks are given for three separate sentences not for one sentence if you march and confuse and mix up all these three points in one sentence you may lose two marks one sentence like this our school is going to host an entire school drama competition this year in the auditorium of the school,  this in one sentence if you finish to show your style a big long sentence if you write this way that there is a risk that you may lose two marks for this point, so it is better and i'll suggest to you that you should write  separate sentences for separate points like this so for the first point you have written our school is going to host an entire school drama you will get one mark and it will be held in the auditorium of the school you'll get one mark and it will start at 11:30 a.m on the 30th of December 2020 and for this you will get one mark so you have already got 1 plus 1 plus 1 is equal to 3 now let's see what is to be done for the rest of the points.

Now the next point for whom it is written for the willing students and for the rest of the students the willing students can participate in the event the willing students can participate in the event you have written this sentence for the fourth point and for this you will get one mark so after this you have got four marks now for the fifth point and see they can contact the undersigned between 11:30 a.m and 3:30 p.m on 21 November 2020 and for this you will get one more marks so after this you have got five marks and for the remaining one mark you have to write this one for the last point and all the students are allowed to enjoy the event slight introduction or conclusion it is the part of the conclusion all the students are allowed to enjoy the event but silence and discipline must be strictly maintained so it is done and you have already got six marks for the content and if you write this way you'll get additional two marks for the register and so together you have got eight marks plus two marks for the form so you have got ten marks if you write this in the exam hall you write the notice this way this is your final copy see ultra institution notice date this is the heading enter school drama competition all the students are hereby informed that our school is going to host an inter-school drama competition this year see the modification of the first sentence on the first point here you have written our school is going to host an enter school drama competition this year and here the sentence is modified this way all the students are here by informed that our school is going to host an inter-school drama competition this year all the students are  hereby informed that our school is going to host an enter school drama competition this is the format of notice writing and it may be treated as the part of the format or form so if you can start your notice this way it is better so your first sentence all the students are hereby informed that our school is going to host an entire school drama competition this year so here the examiner will give this way one mark at this point now see it will be held in the auditorium of the school at this point the examiner will give one more point here he will mark this way he may give here also one point and it will start   at 11:30 a.m on 30 December 2020 here the examiner will mark this way and he will give one mark this way the only students can participate in the event and here he will mark this way and he'll give   one mark this way and for this they can contact the undersigned between 11:30 am and 3:30 pm on this day in the cultural room of the school this is the addition in the cultural room of the school here the examiner will mark this way you may write this part you may not write this part up to this you may write and here the examiner will mark and he will give one mark now all the students are allowed in the auditorium to enjoy the event but silence and discipline must be  strictly maintained in the auditorium and here the examiner will give one more mark and this is the part of escape battle cultural secretary counter signed by the headmaster assigned seeker love this is the part of the form so your total number is like this the examiner will write 4 form 2 units you will write 1 plus 1 plus 1 plus 1 plus 1 plus 1 is equal to 6 and register he will write if you write this way you'll write 2 together all total he will write here 10 okay this is the way of marking this is how you can write a notice.
