How To Overcome Negative Thoughts? Think Positive Always


  • How to overcome negativity?
  • How to stop thinking negative?
  • Which books to read to stay positive every time?

So many times this question come to my mind, negative thinking is a bad thing. We know, it's a bad thing but our Mind always Produces Negative thinking So many negative thoughts come into my mind and I am not able to get rid of them. 

Why it happens like this?

I want to come out from it But till it's not happening like this consciously I know this is not a good thing, I shouldn't think these thoughts But still, these thoughts comes in my mind again and again and I can't even understand, what is the reason of it?

What is the cause behind this?

So let me talk to You about this today Why these negative thoughts come in our Mind? 

How can We come out from it? And we can go towards the positive thinking. We can produce and generate good thoughts in our mind so first, let's understand,

Why these negative thoughts come in our mind answer is so simple I tell you with an example, Suppose you have a so big bag and you put so many things in it which are rotten from which bad smell is coming out and you continues to put things like this from everywhere also comes others who contribute their part in your this act in your this mission they are also putting the rotten things in it when this bag gets so heavy and have weight tell me, what is going to come out from it? Surely the bad smell or odor is going to come out and with this if someone put his hand in it, so what will he get? 

Definitely some rotten things don't you think the same is happening with our mind in our mind there is bag whom we call the Memory bag these memory works like reference of which kind our thought process will be like what we will put now in this bag we can pick them out later or come out from it now what happens? 

In our memory bag people unknowingly put something that they shouldn't put in it in fact, when a child is growing so many people say so many things they shouldn't say may be other child is better than you are not very beautiful or you are not very intelligent, you can't be very successful people start to put these kind of negative statements in this child knowingly or unknowingly many times they may have motive may be if we will say something like this so they will be motivated and will start something good it may be their intention is right at there place but this behavior is not so good as he is growing these kind of negative things are being feeded to him, his college, schools and parents plant so many things like this to him unknowingly whenever  this negative feeding is happening so, exactly What we are doing? 

Really putting rotten things in the memory bag in this mind which is beautiful and amazing. We are putting bad things in it what will happen after this? Self-down will be start coming to him whenever he will try to do something good and new, there will be a doubt in his mind always, which will say weather you may do it or not, it's not possible with you may not get success and you can not grow this much so, What is happening? 

Actually the thoughts which are coming now, the feeling is being developed of negativity so what's result is this? It is the result of the thing which was feeded in that mind till this day, Till the time we were unconscious which I will say till we had no control of which  person is gonna feed what things it was OK till then but as we grow we start to feed so many things in our mind which we shouldn't do like what kind of TV serial we watch what kind of books we read among what kind of people's association we live these things are working as input in our body when this kind of goes in your mind. What will it do to your mind? 

It will program your mind how it will program your mind? It will program your mind to make a list productive mind because if so many negative things put in something what will be the result of that? Let me tell you with an example suppose there is a tree it is small now but it has potential to grow so big what you do in a soil where it's been sown you put some poisonous chemical in that soil slowly-slowly that tree grows and it bears fruits on it now tell me the fruit on that tree will not be effected by poison or they also will be poisonous definitely, they also will be poisonous Why? Because the feeding to this tree was given in the environment result of that will be seen in it's fruit this same thing is happening with our life the things we are feeding in our mind same things are going to be shown from our life because our roots are being fed by poison if there are poison in their feeding so, the growth which are the fruits of life Do you think are going to be so amazing? No it's not gonna happen in that also the poison's effect will be seen and we will start living life like a limited person so what we can do? OK this negative feeding is understood and it's also understood that because of negative feeding till this day because of that our thinking has become negative our thoughts has become so negative OK.

So what we can do? We can't change the past of our whole life by going in our past then what we can do? We can do this, that we can bring us on positive side and What is this positive side? It is you can start putting positive things in your mind. They are of successful people those who tell you that how can you become so great, rich and successful and they say always 'You deserve a Wonderful Life' and you can get that you can listen these people those who lift up your self-image those who can tell you always that you came in this world to become more successful and live a more wonderful life. You will have to put things like this in your mind you may have heard that Napoleon Hill said "Your life is the average of 5 people around you it may be a level of your success, health or relation or anything else" What it means? You have to change the environment around you in which you live, changing the environment is not like change your parents or life partner I want to give this word in terms of Change 'Replace' So, what exactly you can do? 

You can do is you can acquire the association of more successful people how will you acquire this association? There are so many people in this world to be in their association, You can't go to dwell with them but you can read their books, you can watch their Videos Association means exchange of thought of each other, you can change this environment even today. You know about so many people of those you have heard they are so good people you can read and listen about them, watch their videos because it's internet time these sources are available to us, what kind of thoughts are gonna in your mind that will be positive feeding. 

Positive thinking let me tell you,whatever negative is fed till this day when you will regularly put this positive thinking in your mind slowly-slowly it will reduce negativity it will kill that negativity these positive thoughts, How it will happen? You have some negative belief till this day may be for becoming successful it needs to be bad or unfair and you ever read about someone who became so successful with so much honesty, so this your negative belief will break and positive belief will generate in you this is what I am saying to you if you will start feeding positive thinking it will replace negativity with positive thoughts so many times people say OK sir you say for positive thinking read good books and watch videos go to some good program, motivational seminars and join some workshop.

Here Are Some Books You Should Read :-
